Neha Aggarwal


Neha Aggarwal

Neha Aggarwal is a political science graduate from the University of Delhi. She has an inclination toward public policy, industry and infrastructure, health, and climate change. Previously, she worked as a research intern at Krityanand UNESCO Club. She has also volunteered and interned with Hamari Pahchan, a Delhi-based NGO as a COVID-19 vaccination influencer. At JK policy institute, she seeks to constructively engage in research and designing policies in her areas of interest.

Fast Fashion: Through the lens of sustainability
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For a long time, we have produced more than we can consume and dispose of far more than the earth can renew and replenish. The fast fashion industry is one…

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Locating child labor in the carpet industry of Jammu & Kashmir
720 480 Neha Aggarwal

Kashmir handicrafts have commanded the admiration of the world for centuries because of their exquisite craftsmanship, captivating colors, and designs. The arts and crafts of Kashmir carry the image of…

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