We are committed to utilizing evidence-based approaches to advance policy advocacy, aiming for a long-lasting, sustainable impact on the future. This humble initiative, powered by a diverse team, has worked on the ground and generated knowledge across various subjects related to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. By collaborating with communities and other institutions to promote sustainability initiatives, our objective is to foster a shared commitment to sustainability.

The New Kind of Leadership for the Valley
1024 591 Touseef Raina

“The new kind of leadership should be groomed to stand for social justice in the development narrative while being sensitive to preserving the rights of the marginalized sections.” says Touseef Raina.

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Kashmir conflict and shattered dreams of youth
647 404 Mukhtar Dar

The three-decade old Kashmir conflict has sent thousands of body-bags into untimely graves. Mukhtar Dar explains how the lack of foresight and investment in education has led

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Lessons in the time of Corona
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Seemingly, Covid-19 is just an invisible microbe but it is powerful and has shaken the whole world. Post Covid era will never be the same again. Dr. Suneem Khan and Abid Rashid Baba tell us how.

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Corona outbreak in times of fragile peace
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Countries with the finest healthcare system available were caught unawares as the tiny microbe hit the globe. It added insult to the injury to war-ravaging regions. The major focus in these conflict-ridden areas for governments remains the continued investment in defense and security. As a result, areas such as education and public health take a back seat and are often the worst sufferers.

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Always under the spotlight for the politics concerning this region, the vital human geography of Kashmir has never really got the kind of primacy it deserves. While a lot has been written in praise of its scenic splendour, not much focus is accorded to the elements responsible for its natural magnificence – its climate, the geography, and its interactions with the people, and vice versa.
This is perhaps why this place has not attracted the kind of scholarship it should ideally have given its geological past – of being a place desiccated from water – of an ancient lake called Sati-Sara, or having been part of the Tethys Ocean.
Even in global concerns vis-à-vis climate change, Kashmir rarely finds a mention. This is despite this region being situated within the world’s highest mountain range— the Himalayas, which are vital to the global climate, and dictate & determine the human geography & political economy of billions not only in the Indian subcontinent but the entire South Asia.
With all these observations, fears & doubts in mind, JK Policy Institute’s work is focused on SUSTAINABILITY and other matters concerning the human geography of the region.